
A note to our influencers: our suggested rescue remedy on mental health

Mental health is a very relevant topic that has dominated the landscape over the last couple of weeks, spurred by the recent tragic event of a UK TV personality’s death. This is just a reminder of the implications of social media’s rapid rise- and the relationship it has with young people’s mental health, which has gained significant amount of attention in recent years. 

Online platforms allow people to connect 24/7 for positive usage but unfortunately with negative connotations. By 2021, it is forecast that there will be 3 billion active monthly users on social media.  Social media has become an integral part and to a large extent unavoidable part of our lives – so how do we work with social media and ensure we do not let It affect us in a negative way?

Our lives have become open to the public – be it on social media, or in the media. Things which were once private have become unnervingly exposed, through our own will or need to submit to social pressure and show the ‘best version of ourselves’. Technology permits us to not only follow style trends and express likes for photos but to track people’s every move and abuse them directly. There is a lack of protection.

A saying that “If you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything at all.” resonates with mental health and how to use social media in a positive way.  We are entitled to our own opinions, and arguably life would be vanilla without them. However, one’s opinion should only be taken so far and it should not be used to publicly shame other individuals.  

At The Influence Room, we want to create a safe environment where talent can have great conversations, build build genuine partnerships with brands and develop their own profiles in a positive manner. We are yet to face such an incident where bullying or negatively takes place directly across brand campaigns and hope this will remain the case. However, we have put together a light-hearted check list of things our talent and anyone else can refer to if they face any unpleasantness – if they are on a brand campaign, or they experience this personally across their content.

1. A problem shared is a problem halved 

At The Influence Room we are all about communication, good conversations, and talking through problems however big or small. This should apply in your everyday life – to be able to communicate with your loved ones and those that can help any problem or worry, no matter how big or small. People are there to listen. The inability to cope with a problem alone is NOT failure, it is just part of everyday life, and you will be surprised how many people have experienced the same feelings. What we feel passionately about is talking everything through so we recommend you do this (if you can) with your trusted ones, ask for advice and we hope that you will be able to find the comfort, direction and help that you need. There are so many charities that are a phone call away, that are there for all mental health, anxiety or problem sharing – they are there to help, in the case you prefer to talk to someone who doesn’t know you.

2. Have a break, have a KitKat

Ah that good old KitKat slogan will never lose value. The art of scrolling combined with the ability to access social analytics for business accounts means that those in social media (and even those who do not work in the field) spend on average nearly 6 hours a day on those social apps. It’s time to take a rain check; logout of your Instagram, pop it in the snacks cupboard and get some fresh air! Especially for talent, Instagram, YouTube and now Tik Tok encompasses their every second, and finding time for a break isn’t easy.

Discipline is important - ensuring you have breaks, exercise, see friends, family and colleagues – are all important in delivering the balance you need to create effective content but also to freshen your mind, and protect your mental health. Start by avoiding social media for the first hour after you wake up and the last hour before you go to bed, it’s really important keep that time clear so you can unwind.

There are also these amazing apps, which we recommend everyone takes a minute to download and explore – I think we have all experienced lack of sleep over work, worries and these apps assist in allowing you to get the head space you need.

Apps to download:

3. Try a cup of our Rescue Remedy

Considering we’re all about brand partnerships, it would be rude not to include some of the lovely brands we work alongside. Whether you’re in need of a vitamin rich meal, an abundance of nutrient-rich supplements or simply a trip to Bali - we have something to tickle your fancy:

  • 7 day luxury escape to Bali
  • 2020 is all about energy with Lumity supplements
  • Relax and revive in the heart of Thailand
  • Hello Fresh invites you to try their new Rapid Recipes

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