
Talent: What can you do to broaden your skills and stay fit at home

Many people don’t take the advantage of learning and development opportunities, as so many of us just don’t have the time in our busy lives. However, with the recent enforcement to remain at home, it opens up time to explore and educate ourselves with the skills we want to expand. 

Take a online training course

Online training courses are a great way to strengthen and expand your skill set, whilst also being easily accessible. You can use this time to further understand areas of your current profession or expand and learn a new venture. Either way it's a highly effective way of educating yourself and can be completed at your own pace. If you need any inspiration go check out HSC. Edx, and Skillshare. 

Get a mentor

Why not use this time to connect with someone on Linkedin with greater experience than yourself, to help better your professional development. By gaining a mentor, you can attain valuable new skills and life lessons by the knowledge a mentor will have. A great mentor will not only help you solve any challenges you face, but will tell you what you need to hear and not what you want to hear. They will give you real feedback you need to put you in a position to advance. 

Read, read, read and look for problems to solve 

With more available time, it's important to take advantage of this and put it to good use. The most valuable tool we can have to develop and broaden our skills is by reading. Reading and understanding topics, and exploring new areas is a great way to grow your own skill set whilst also challenging your brain.  

Keeping fit at home

Additional to broadening your skills, research has suggested that it is vital to keep fit alongside. By working out it can help us be more focused, alert and productive at work. Being more active can put you in a more positive mood, help with a better night sleep, help make better food choices throughout the day and help build more muscle more efficiently. 

Invest in key equipment 

If you want to up your home workout game, then it’s time to invest in some fitness essentials. Grab yourself some weights, some resistance bands and any other kit that can help your routines. Whilst you can still get by with things around the house, adding weights to key exercises such as squats and lunges will add a new dimension to your workout routine. Additionally, become a member of The Influence Room and check out one of our latest brand opportunity with manta, where they are offering their new 'Next Generation Foam Roller'.

Make the most of your surroundings 

You might think that being at home might be quite restricted, but guess what? You’re wrong! Get creative with the stuff around you. Use the stairs or dining chairs for tricep dips or for seated squats. Whatever it is you can find a way to help assist your workout. And don't forget you don't need the gym to perform simple floor exercises. 

Use social media/ workout videos

As most of us will be spending a lot more time on social media, you can use this time to start following more online fitness coaches and bloggers, such as.  This can help you pick up some tips and home workout routines that you can save and use for later. Someone who we are loving right now is Joe Wicks, as he's offering free live workouts everyday at 9am and they are sure to get your heart rates going.





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